James North Baptist Church believes that God has gifted every one of his children to fulfill a part of His Kingdom's purposes. Below is a listing of ministries that currently need help, and through which you can find a place to use your gifts to His glory.

If you are able to serve in one or more of these areas please e-mail office@jamesnorth.church and we will connect you with the right people. 

Current Needs

  • KidZone
    • We would love a craft station leader, games station leader and few more small group leaders (this is someone who will spend their time with the same group of kids and will continue to lead their  group to various stations) 
  • JR High
    • We are in need of 3 female leaders and 4 male leaders
  • Welcome Team
    • 5 Helpers Needed

Ongoing Needs

New volunteers are always welcome for these ministries:

  • Maintenance Team
  • Hospitality Team